Book a Speaking Engagement

Dr. John L. Cox practice has extended beyond the walls of the office a great deal in recent decade. His speaking engagements have spanned across the U.S. The integration of Psychology and Biblical Theology brings a fresh perspective on the subjects of marriage, relationships and personal growth. Book a Speaking Engagement today.

Schedule a Consult

Dr. John L. Cox has been doing individual and marital therapy for over 34 years on a wide variety of clients. Therapy is a deeply beneficial at changing the experience of everyday people like you and me. We all have challenges, problems, and need for growth. You are not alone. Schedule your consult today.

Download a Conference

This website presents a great opportunity to gain access to the many talks that Dr. John L. Cox has given over the past several years. Purchase your online pass to download talks and listen to them at your convenience.  Pick a Conference and Listen Today.